Pastor Eric has been serving in the ministry since 1984, long before attending Bible college at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO. He is blessed to share each day of his life with his beautiful, supportive wife and best friend, Tammy. He is also the proud father of four wonderful children: Lauren, Aubrey, Matt and Ashlynn. During his years in the ministry, Eric has been active in bus ministries and assisting in support roles as needed. Eric also served for many years as a church planting missionary in the country of Belize. Upon returning to the United States, he began serving as the pastor of Holly Springs Baptist Church and has been doing so for over 10 years now.
A.J. has been working in youth ministry since 2016. He served as a church
youth director and as a Bible teacher at a local church and Christian school. As
a youth, he was saved and became involved in his church youth department.
Since that time, he has been led of God to dedicate his life to youth ministry,
focusing on middle and high school students. Pastor A.J.’s goal for our youth
is for each of them to accept Jesus as their Savior and to train them to fulfill
the great commission using Luke 14:23b as a guide. “…Go out into the
highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
Cindy has been working in church ministry for most of her life as a Sunday
School teacher, church pianist, choir/praise team, and currently as our
Children’s Director. She was also a teacher at a Christian school for seventeen
years, teaching kindergarten, preschool, and elementary students. She leads
our children with a passion for each of them to know Jesus as their personal
Savior, to grow in God’s Word, and to be a light for Jesus in our community.
Our worship team loves to serve the Lord through praise music. They are led by Shawna Bagwell. Join us for a Sunday worship service to hear them sing and play live music for the Lord.
Wednesday Night team